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You have the option to modify your profile image/avatar, name, email address, and basic preferences. Any changes you make to your account information will apply across all your workspaces.

Update profile image

To update your profile image, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings ⚙️
  2. Select My account
  3. Under Photo, click on Upload photo.
  4. Choose the photo you want from your device and click Open.
  5. Finally, click Update to save your changes.

Change email address

To change your email address, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings ⚙️
  2. Select My account
  3. Go to Personal info and Email and click Change email.
  4. If you have a permanent password set, enter that.
  5. Enter your new email address and click Send verification code.
  6. You'll receive an email with a verification code at the new address.
  7. Copy the verification code from the email, paste it into Notion, and click Change email to complete the process.

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